
By soozsnapz

A lovely sky to end the year

Just a few minutes before sunrise. Out of my bathroom window. Actually turned out to be the brightest bit of the day. Very little traffic around on my walk to fareshare. But once there, we were busy bees. We had a massive donation from customers of a Tesco store - clearly in a special pre-Christmas drive to get extra donations, the Tesco staff had made up small paper bags with a list on the front of what was inside, and a price.  This worked really well as we got all relevant items, and even more because it was all in date. Some examples: pasta, pasta sauce and tinned tuna - tea bags and long-life milk - porridge, milk and tinned fruit - tinned curry and microwaveable rice. And prices were affordable for most shoppers - between about £1.50 and £4. So if you happened to be one of the people who bought a bag for Fareshare you can be sure it was exactly what’s needed, and is already on its way out tomorrow. Altogether it was about 1/3 tonne. Or 30+ trays. 
That was great fun, one of my favourite jobs. 
Thanks to everyone for lovely comments, stars and hearts for my 4th blip birthday yesterday. I really love being on blip and value all the people it connects me with. 
Hoping for a better, more peaceful world in 2025….
And a happy healthy year for all of us. 

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