At 3.30 it was getting dark

And the wind was roaring through the trees at the back so loudly it sounded like an aeroplane taking off. I do feel lucky to have a row of trees at the back of my house, as they are endlessly lovely through all the seasons. 
I didn’t go out and take a blip in a special or beautiful place today as it didn’t stop raining.  
What I did do was make various pasta sauces for the freezer, and some lemon ice cream - which isn’t ready to try yet. And a bit of decluttering and cleaning in my kitchen. 
This evening I’m going to to read my book - one of my Christmas books - The Windermere Witness by Rebecca Tope ( in the cosy murder genre I suppose) and watch the two episodes of Murder is Easy - the Christmas Christie.  Hopefully with a cat on my lap:-))
Happy New year to everyone 

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