
By sharon143

Spent an hour or two cutting up chicken wire to put over my newly planted tulip bulbs. Ordered wire pegs as well to hopefully keep them in place. Did some more online shopping- not particularly exciting but things i’ve been meaning to get hold off for a while. Walked up to the very nice greengrocers which surprisingly was open for a few hours. Bought a lovely bunch of anemones to take to S’s. Got home and had lunch before cleaning the small oven. Got changed and drove to S’s for a catch-up and early supper. The lights in the back garden had just come on - looking forward to when I can sit out there! When I arrived I realised I had two insect bites in my wrist! Goodness knows where they came from.
Left S’s just after 6.30 and drove the short distance to Bridge. My regular partner is away so I ended up with the Chair. He is very eager to help novice players, but after about 90 minutes my brain was just too full with information!

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