Playing around.

Lots happening in the New Town at the moment. The Speigeltent is up, there are stalls and stages appearing everwhere.

There's a festive BUZZ in the air ! This time next week we'll be tripping over day trippers, mimicking mime artists, and leaflets will be thrust into our sweaty little hands by acting wannabees. All part of the fun !

Mr S was commenting on all the 'running about' he had to do with the girls this afternoon when he was home. HA! I bet he thought I spent all my time at home in coffee mornings and cosey girly chats ! Welcome to the real world !

No 3 was busy - she's signed up for blip! If you want to see her first blip have a look at weeweegie (she picked the name herself!)

I headed out to find a blip this evening - it was getting dark and there were big rain clouds looming....but these are no fair weather golfers!

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