Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

End of an era?

Today was probably Kieran's last day at the Co-op.  He's in his final year of his degree so probably won't return as he'll be too busy to work at Easter and will hopefully have a job when he finishes.  
He started at the Co-op doing a paper round but got made redundant when they stopped delivering papers. He didn't mind as he got a good pay off and was then taken on to work in the shop. Whilst at college, he worked 3 nights a week and was kept on a zero hours contract when he went to uni. They've been really good to him and he's made some good friends over the years (8, I believe - years not friends!). 
I snuck in and hid behind the counter to get his photo as he didn't want me embarrassing him! He was either serving his penultimate or his last customer. 

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