Song Thrush...
... I think!
Shopping day, also washing day etc.
After the shopping was put away, off I went for a walk along the Cuckoo Trail where I saw Blue Tits, Robins, Blackbirds & this pretty Thrush.
Such a contrast to yesterday weatherwise, the Sun was shining, the Sky was Blue, but it was cold; luckily no wind.
I really enjoyed my walk & must walk more this year; my friend Lynn has signed up to walk 2 miles a day in aid of Cancer Research.
Only problem with signing up for these things is getting people to sponsor you; I don't like asking people for money when we are all struggling these days; so I'll just walk for my own pleasure taking photos along the way.
Enjoy every minute of the day... Laugh, Live, Love, Smile, be happy. :)
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