
By ArcLight


Just over a year ago, I bought a Christmas cactus in Leith Market. It's flowering again - a little after Christmas. The buds had been in place for quite some time, but it moved forward quite slowly and only now are one or two of the buds properly coming out. It's obviously enjoyed the cold environment of the cottage for the last few months.... But it doesn't quite get a twelve month calendar! I plan to pot it on in the summer.

I tried a little gentle work today, at least clarifying in my mind what the next ten days should look like. It went ok. Mr A popped out to see H for a coffee and I managed a very limp peloton workout. I also spread some salt on the paving stones at the front. It's pretty slippy out there.

After Mr A came back, we went over to our next door neighbour's for a glass or two of wine and some snacks and caught up on some local gossip, especially regarding her new next door neighbours who have been running a very successful cafe on the North York moors, but are moving up to the Highlands just as soon as they can dispose of their previous business. With the skills they have, it will be interesting to see how they fit into the local economy up here. Successfully, I hope.

Back home, we ate a tasty pork fillet joint and did a watch-a-thon of the Christmas university challenge episodes right up to the only one missing: Friday's final. We might even watch that live, just for the lols.

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