Rhewllyd ~ Icy
“The camera adds a certain sheen to things. Something about being frozen in time really makes things sparkle.”
― Brandon Stanton, (Humans of New York)
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Roedd hi'n oer iawn heddiw. Es i am dro byr o gwmpas y triongl o ffyrdd ger ein tŷ ni. Roedd popeth wedi rhewi, tawel a hyfryd.
Es i i'r pentref yn hwyrach yn y dydd. Mae 'Iechyd Da' yn agor (is open) nawr ar ôl eu gwyliau gaeaf. Roedd yn dda i weld Alwen a chriw eto. Ie, popeth yn dychwelyd i normal yn y pen draw.
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It was very cold today. I went for a short walk around the triangle of roads near our house. Everything was frozen, quiet and beautiful.
I went to the village later in the day. 'Iechyd Da' is open now after their winter break. It was good to see Alwen and crew again. Yes, everything returns to normal eventually.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Pwll rhewllyd, yn dangos wyneb y ffordd ar yr ymyl.
Description (English) : An icy puddle, showing the surface of the road on the edge.
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