Jacob's Ladder
No this is not the original "Stairway to Heaven" but Jacob's Ladder has been a feature of Perth since 1909. It is now constructed of 242 concrete steps and is a short cut so to speak from Kings Park down to what used to be the rivers edge at Mounts Bay Road. Originally it was constructed out of Jarrah timber and 274 steps in total.
I have vivid memories of having to train on Jacob's Ladder as a young tennis player when the coach would make us run up and down it as part of our training program. Not a lot of fun I have to say.
Apparently there is a rule now that you can't grunt and groan while using it and personal trainers are banned from yelling at their clients as it was disturbing people in the apartment blocks that adjoin it. I had occasion to walk down it but I'm happy to confess I wimped out and returned to my destination the long way :)
PS - If you look carefully at the image you can see the trees at the bottom of the pic. That's basically your destination!!
PPS: Just found this hilarious story that you might enjoy reading about Jacob's ladder
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