Welcome to my home for a day of chatting, eating, drinking and game-playing.
I used to love playing this game with the grandchildren but they advanced to the 3-D version. I begged them not to part with this basic game so on Christmas Day I was given it, wrapped up, as a gift. Wonderful.
The idea is to move around the board to a (secret) location where there is treasure. Other players don't know what you're trying to get to. Between your moves, you can be moved, your treasure can be moved and the pathway to it can be moved. Frustrating but fun!
Today we collected The Man's best friend, Don, from the station. He had come over from Ontario a couple of weeks ago to stay in Carlisle and visit family for Christmas. He is now spending a couple of days with us.
The B-I-L also knows Don very well so we invited him over as well. I thought this game would be entertaining. I was then taught the basics of how to play Cribbage.
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