
By Wildwood

Fractal Food

This is called broccoli Romesco and there seemed to be quite a bit of it at the Farmers' Market this morning. I never see it without thinking what a perfect example of fractals* it is. Nature may not be symmetrical, but it certainly can be  mathematical. 

It's fascinating, and some visualizations of the equation are exquisite. Here is one, if you are interested....Be careful though, it is rather mesmerizing.

I have been visualizing stars all afternoon, trying to draft a pattern for one scaled for the back of my quilted jacket. As a result I am seeing stars, or rather, an ocular migraine. I have no idea what causes this odd phenomenon but I fear it will curtail comments for today.

* a curve or geometrical figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole. Fractals are useful in modeling snowflakes in which similar patterns recur at progressively smaller scales and in describing partly random or chaotic growth such as crystal growth, fluid turbulence or galaxy formation. 
-from Oxford Languages

The Mandelbrot set ( f(x)=x squared =c where c is a constant.) is a two-dimensional mathematical fractal that exhibits great complexity and is known for its aesthetic appeal.

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