Unusual sighting in Bristol
It doesn’t happen often. This is taken from my front door at 7pm. It’s swirling around, settling on cars and on the ground.
It had been a grey cold day, and I’d pottered around at home doing this and that. Including finishing my next 1000 piece jigsaw. I did go out for a walk, but not far as it was so cold, just to the nearest park where I had a good look at everything growing.
In the evening I watched a tv programme. My mum always used to tell me off for watching tv too much. Now my friends tell me off for not watching it enough:) I have a long list of all the series and programmes people have recommended or told me I must watch. I don’t switch it on for months at a time. So I’m going to try to watch tv for an hour most evenings. I have a quick look at BBC i player at things I’d watched and enjoyed before. I chose an episode of Who Do You Think You Are because it’s only an hour long. Someone I hadn’t heard of, Gemma Collins. Fascinating and very interesting investigation into her family on her mum’s side involving extreme poverty, mental illness, brave women keeping going. All happening in the east end and Essex. It made a lot of sense to Gemma - she had known none of it - and could draw out strands which still have resonance today. They obviously have an army of researchers and historians on this programme.
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