
By soozsnapz

A bit sad but also lovely

Witch Hazel was my dad’s favourite flower. We used to go to see a particular tree near where he lived, about this time of year. That one was yellow - I couldn’t actually see a yellow one on my walk this morning- just a few trees all this colour. Everything is a bit droopy after yesterday’s snowfall, but it’s all gone now, and it’s fairly mild.
I popped to Tesco to get a few essentials - especially things my son has but I don’t (cows milk, bread) as he’s coming up from Plymouth for 48 hours . I have a hospital test with sedation on Monday so I need a proper grown up to fetch me, and supervise me for 24hours. For example I can’t use a kettle or cooker. None of my Bristol friends were able to do this for various reasons so he has stepped in. He arrived early afternoon and we went for a walk - my usual route alongside the river and the harbour down to the centre. Grey but mild, a bit damp. Lovely to chat and dawdle along. In the evening he chose a DVD to watch ( I have a lot to choose from). So we watched Toy Story and Toy Story 2. It was funny and poignant to watch these childhood films again, we both knew every word and scene. They are both quite brilliant. I wonder why he chose them.

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