Every Picture Tells .....


Snow Day


The snow began falling gently around midnight.

By the time I rolled out of bed at 07:30 this morning, there was a good 10 cm of snow settled on the ground.

I ventured out at 8:00 am for a brisk 2 km walk around the village (see extra). By then, the falling snow had turned to rain, but it was extremely cold even wearing gloves. Some of the lanes had been ploughed and gritted by local farmers on their tractors, but there were no cars in sight.

Back home by 9:00 am, I swapped my boots for spiked shoes and changed into shorts and my running kit, for a 2 km run through the snow. The cold wasn't at all bad once I started moving although I came home absolutely drenched.

The rest of the day will be spent dismantling the Christmas tree and taking down the decorations, followed by a relaxed evening in front of the TV.

The sheep in the main photo are in a nearby field and the lambs were born around Christmas Day. I have also noticed some snowdrops on my travels and daffodil shoots are poking out through the snow.

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