Cliff Top
When we awoke at 07.20hrs the Current Mrs Creel and I decided to plan our day. She checked the BBC forecast whilst I dittoed the Met Office. Both indicated it would be a very overcast with +90% chance of rain from 09.00hrs until 17.00hrs. We breakfasted. Today’s weather has been glorious all day, warm sunshine, not one drop of rain, scant cloud cover and beautifully flat calm. At the end of month at least two employees will open their wage packets which will include payment for atrocious service. And never a hint of an apology. To quote Mrs Slocombe ‘I am unanimous in that.’ Tomorrow I will post some seaweed to its Exeter HQ. We walked around the coastal strip. Big mistake, cliff tops were very wet with slow going. Once back on the road at the Bu, we made some speed. Phil and Caille messaged CMC to said they would pop in past at 2.00pm. We walked on to the Breck and met Karen who we asked back for a light lunch (we hid the scales). P and C is now a rearranged fixture on Mon (it’s not a sellout). This is all very mundane fare, so I checked on Bernard’s Blip account and noted he has a real dilemma. He’s not certain whether to serve the pike with or without the horseradish. That old culinary conundrum. Whilst ironing my copy of the Chicago Tribune Sculion opined that horseradish is so passe. Bernard didn’t hear as he was in the anteroom repairing his baboon heater. Only another 360 days of this pap left to endure; if you’re lucky I won’t last the pace.
Kate St John is 67.
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