On This Day In History
1975: Two thousand Led Zeppelin fans trash the Boston Garden
Quote Of The Day
"The place was a smoking ruin. It was completely flooded. It was just like the place had been bombed. (Mayor Kevin White) saw the burned seats and the flooded hockey rink and the trashed concession stands and he said, "Led Zeppelin will never play in Boston again." And they never did."
(Stephen Davis)
And I'm sure the people of Boston were devestated. Honestly, I have never understood the vaunted status that Led Zeppelin hold in the rock pantheon. The wailing, the hair, the testosterone, the cock rock posturing, the hedonism, the interminable drum solos ...... ugh! I know millions will disagree and no doubt it's my loss but, well, there you are.
Anyway, it has been raining all morning and it's forecast to do so for the rest of the day so I am cheating with a photograph that I took yesterday when, fortuitously considering the subject of On This Day In History, Koshien Stadium opened its doors to the public for one hour owing to a fun run being held on the field. I am sure that if anyone ever tried to damage this beautiful, revered stadium, the people of Koshien would be on them like a ton of bricks.
Taking advantage of the rain I had a productive morning creating Google Slides and materials for my five lesson series of Health and Wellbeing lessons on Gender Stereotypes. Should be interesting.
Burning Down The House (This is a Led free journal.) How to burn down the house without actually burning down the house.
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