
By Munroist4113

Using cabbage

What a foul day. We just couldn’t get the house warm. It snowed on and off - nasty wet stuff. I had intended walking to the village to get yet more condolence cards but didn’t fancy the slither through the field.

The brother of brother-in-law died yesterday. His cancer was only discovered a few weeks ago by which time it was too late to do anything. B-I-L was very upset but luckily he’d driven up to Perthshire the day before so had seen him.

On a happier note, Lynne is doing so well after her open heart surgery that they want to discharge her soon. She’s nervous about going home as she’s still very tired and nauseous.

I got most of the photos into the family year book ready for the editor-in-chief.

I made a couple of puddings for the freezer for Dennis coming to stay next week. Tonight I finally used some of the cabbage I had languishing in the fridge and made this dish (Gujarati potato and cabbage curry) from ”Dinner” by Meera Sodha. I treated myself to the cookbook but I’m not so impressed. It’s labelled vegetarian and vegan but so many of the dishes have no protein. They look tasty but a lot seem more suitable for side dishes rather than main.

Chloe and Graham FaceTimed. It’s always cheery to chat with them. I’ve accepted responsibility to research hotels for our 3 nights in Rotterdam next month. 4 days - more like 4 weeks needed for all the art and architecture there.

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