Almost too deep!

Just as well there was some compacted snow from yesterday. It meant Reg could get down the garden. The snow would have covered him otherwise. He was disappointed that his snowball playing was restricted though! 
I had a day indoors as outside was too treacherous. I started making my birthday cards for this year and made a chart which I've printed off to get properly organised. I'm happy when I'm organised and know what I'm doing.
My MiL was sent home from hospital on Saturday but is now quite poorly with a bad cough. She hasn't been out of her bed since arriving home. I have today spoken to her GP who has prescribed some antibiotics  and set up a package of care for her. She has been so resistant to any help but realised today that she cannot cope on her own anymore and needs help. She is 94 and wants to remain in her own home. It is hopefully a step in the right direction.
I also booked my train ticket to see one of my granddaughters for her birthday later this month.  

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