
By tridral

Y Tŵr Tywyll

Y Tŵr Tywyll ~ The Dark Tower

“I don’t have a philosophy. I have a camera. I look into the camera and take pictures. My photographs are the tiniest part of what I see that could be photographed. They are fragments of endless possibilities.”
― Saul Leiter 

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Gwnes i fy mhererindod i'r grŵp Cymraeg heddiw. Deng mil cam yna ac yn ôl. Roedd yn well heddiw, roeddwn i'n gallu fod rhan o sgwrs ac yn deall beth sy'n digwydd. Cynnydd, rydw i'n meddwl.

Roeddwn i'n meddwl am ys syniad 'barth cysur'. Roedd tu allan fy 'mharth cysur' cwrdd gyda dieithriaid ac yn siarad Cymraeg, ond cefais fy ysgogi mynd gan yr angen i siarad ac yn gwella fy Nghymraeg, ac mae wedi mynd yn dda. Credaf yn nawr nad yw'r syniad 'barth cysur' o gymorth. Rydyn ni'n gwneud beth rydyn ni angen gwneud. Nid yn ychwanegu mwy o syniadau yn helpu.

Ar gyfer y llun ceisiais drefnu'r haul a'r twr. Wrth gwrs doeddwn i ddim yn gallu symud yr haul neu’r twr, felly roedd rhaid i mi symud fy hun. Mae'r twr y twr o'r hen ysbyty meddwl. Mae'r lle nawr wedi esgeuluso, ond dal yn gwneud ffotograff diddorol.

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I made my pilgrimage to the Welsh language group today. Ten thousand steps there and back. It was better today, I could be part of a conversation and understand what's going on. Progress, I think.

I was thinking about the 'comfort zone' idea. It was outside my 'comfort zone' meeting strangers and speaking Welsh, but I was motivated to go by the need to speak and improve my Welsh, and it has gone well. I think now that the 'comfort zone' idea is not helpful. We do what we need to do. Adding more ideas does not help.

For the picture I tried to arrange the sun and the tower. Of course I couldn't move the sun or the tower, so I had to move myself. The tower is the tower of the old mental hospital. The place is now neglected, but still makes an interesting photograph.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Twr o'r hen ysbyty meddwl yn yr Eglwys Newydd (Whitchurch). Tŵr Tywyll yn erbyn awyr disglair, gyda choed a dail o'i gwmpas.

Description (English) : Tower of the old mental hospital in Whitchurch. A Dark Tower against a bright sky, surrounded by trees and foliage.

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