In North Bristol
This exciting pic is the only one I took yesterday. It’s 5pm and I’m in Asda car park at a huge out of town shopping centre near the M5. You can see a few stars in the lovely clear cold sky. Unfortunately the little green lights aren’t alien spaceships coming in to land, but something weird that my camera phone does.
I’m leaving the Diagnostic Centre - conveniently sited in Asda car park. Although full of sedative drugs still, I remembered I had to get a blip!
Such an interesting experience - I won’t go on - except to say:
- I wasn’t aware of the procedure itself, but was awake enough to talk with the people before and after
- diagnosis is instant, and I haven’t got the worst thing - I have got two things one of which can be cured and the other managed
- apart from one, all the people who helped me/looked after me were not born in U.K. (I’m going on accent). All absolutely wonderful, and kind.
And my son L was kind and considerate throughout, I’m so glad he is a good soul.
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