
By BikerBabe

In Biscuit's absence...

...we decided to pool our resources. Thus after a looong lie in, plenty of tea & porridge, 4 hands, 2 brains, & 2 pairs of hands to tried and see what has been bothering Ms.Arell's big Honda - 'Fidra' - for the last few months.

Still not 100% sure but with things narrowed down to it quite likely being part of the alternator, we took a deep breath and set about taking her to pieces to get at the offending part that just happens to sit underneath everything else!

A short excursion was made to a local store to buy some fuel cans to decant the petrol into and we got as far as you can see now...trying to remove 4 delicate throttle bodies that still don't want to budge.

Ms.Arell had a Google of things after tea so we have a few methods to try, but for tonight they are being left soaked in WD40. Honda Pan Europeans are beautifully engineered machines but motorcycles I am discovering, aren't the sort of thing you can whack things loose on with a big hammer!

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