Keith B

By keibr

Snow, and then a bit more snow.

The big snow storm blew in as predicted, a fair bit of snow and a lot of wind!
I got dressed up in the snow gear Jan's brother Pete found being sold for £10 in a charity shop. It's salopettes and a jacket, made by the Swedish company Fjällräven (fell fox). It's excellent gear and perfect for today. Pete presented it to me as an early Christmas present - a genorous gift. Jan took a picture to send to Pete, and that's the extra.
The main blip is the road out of our village. I doubt anyone will be driving at 70 today. In fact I didn't see a single car on the road while I walked there. In the three hours I cleared snow in the garden, one car and a snowplough were the only vehicles I noticed going through the village.
Lots of snow clearing today. First the area around the front door. After that I dug down to the cellar and up to Betty's.  I cleared a drift of the top of the kayak tent and then cleared the snow away that was pushing the sides of the kayak tent. I finished of by redigging out the snow that had again gathered in front of the cellar door, which meant I could get in and refill the the birdfeeders. The birds had been eating fast and nearly emptied out the biggest seed feeder!
It was starting to get dark so I abandoned the outdoor world and came in for some mental exercise. Our UK tax forms needed filling in. Our UK economy is fairly simple and it only took a couple of hours to do mine, and another hour for Jan's.
As I was doing that Rikard and his snow clearer came rumbling by the house. It took a good few runs to move the snow off our main drive but he eventually gathered it all in the giant pile.
We finished off the day watching a bit of Netflix. Schitts Creek has only recently arrived here and it was good watching for a tired out person. Silly, amusing, and predictable, though it pops in enough surprises to be fun.
While we watched tv, and I wrote and posted this blip, the snow continued to fall so it's a soft and rounded white world out there. More white gym tomorrow!

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