
By iaint


This evening Facebook kindly reminded me about someone's birthday. Someone who died two years ago.

A bit later up popped a photo of my late dad with his high school football team. 

It has been a melancholy kind of evening. 

Even without the memory lane events I was tired and a little bit melancholy. I had one of those days which lurched from drama to melodrama to frustration, and then gratitude for being a spectator rather than a participant. 

I ate 3 biscuits as well. I should know better. 

I want a calm and sugar-free Thursday. If it snows, it snows. 

My Blip is Fife College's local campus at 5pm. It has wonderful bike racks which are never used. It also has students who sit outside in the dark when the temperature is about 0.5º. 

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