Hand Held Lizard
I didn't manage a run this morning as my ankle was aching again with an added tender achilles tendon - I think I've been overcompensating in my stride pattern to avoid hurting my ankle.
Today really did follow on from yesterday by being damp, dank and drizzly so we only popped out again for a quick pint at The Wateringbury. When we got back we watched the wonderfully calming and uplifting "Cumbria: The Lakes & The Coast" on Channel 5, which we have been alternating with "Somerset: Wonder of The West Country" on the same channel. The televisual equivalent of a warm bath.
Later I acted as sous chef to my brother whilst he made clementine and chocolate hot cakes - I say sous chef but this mostly involved locating some of the ingredients, hand whipping some egg whites and washing up various bowls, pots and kitchen utensils.
Whilst we were waiting for the hot cakes to come out of the oven we watched another episode of "Mum's On Strike" (again on Channel 5) about wives, and sometimes husbands, who are fed up with taking the lion's share of the household chores and feel like going on strike in protest. Not my best Idea as it just reminded me of a huge argument I had with another household member yesterday when they were busy making themselves breakfast (yet again). Me and my brother do the vast majority of the cooking, washing, cleaning and paying the bills for which we get very little acknowledgement or thanks. I was so angry with their unthoughtful behaviour that I told them a few home truths after which I just had to get out of the house for some time out with my brother but when we got back there was a four sided A4 written diatribe about how badly we were treating THEM! Unbelievable! Sorry I know that was another bit of a rant but it feels good to get it off my chest! As it stands we are still currently receiving the silent treatment.
By the time the hot cakes were ready - we had one each whilst they were still warm from the oven, served with a hot caramel sauce, and they were delicious - I had managed to reclaim some my earlier equilibrium and realised I still needed to get an image. Luckily I was able to persuade my brother to act as a hand model in this instance (for some reason I like the added detail of the plaster on his thumb!) - this is him holding his new lizard based acquisition from our recent trip to Rye.
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