
By Fuentes3

Where to begin...

King Froilus, according to some accounts, was the second king of Asturias, and he had a wife, Queen Froiluba. The main photo shows them kissing goodbye before he goes out hunting for bear. I´ll show the rest of the pictorial story in the extras. 
1. shows the whole sequence, except that every second tableau can´t be seen because of the angles. We see them kissing goodbye with him on horseback, then the kiss we´ve already seen - for some reason he´s got down from his horse. Then, out of sight of this tableau - but wait, we´ll get there - he gets killed by the bear he´s hunting; so our next image shows her, hands on hips, being told that he´s got himself killed. Then we see him with angels and in some sort of wrestling match with, presumably, a demon. 
2. is Froiluba newly widowed with her hands on her hips. 
3. shows him fighting the bear - as we know, he lost; and next to it Froiluba with, presumably, the messenger departing. 
4 reprises scenes already shown, from a different angle,
5 and 6  I guess show Froilus with devils and angels. 

There is evidence that Froiluba did not lose her queenship - she kept it by marrying Froilus´younger brother. It would be interesting to see what conclusions Agatha Christie might draw from such circumstances. 
These romanesque (11th and 12th century) carvings are found on San Pedro de Villanueva, which has been at different times a church and a palace and is now a hotel. 
Checking I see I´ve missed the sequence. I hope it´s easy enough to see what I was attempting. 

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