
By conventgirl

Bees on onions

I have been trying to get a bee picture for ages - have been trying a close up on macro but they all came out blurred. This one is the best I've managed so far(still not very good!) and it is just zoomed in from a distance of about 20ft. I'll keep working on it.
This was actually taken from my settee where I have been lying for 1 1/2 days following a fall in the garden. I spent all yesterday humming and haaing over whether to go to A&E but decided against it in the end. I was in agony but I knew my leg wasnt broken so I didnt feel it was right to call an ambulance. By the time Mr CG came home about 6 hours later it seemed too late! I have that typical English reserve about not wanting to make a fuss about such things. I hope that isn't a decision I will come to regret.
Today my knee is swollen and painful but I have just managed to get into and, more importantly, out of the bath and it does feel a bit better now.

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