
By Sonset25

Frosty field

A very cold night left a lot of frost this morning.

Cycled into town.  The grass on Jesus Green - main blip - was frost-crisp.  

When I arrived at the market, Kevin the stallholder had covered the leafy vegetables with a plastic tarpaulin but the leafy greens were still freezing.  After a discussion he felt a blanket would protect them.  Luckily TKMaxx is nearby, I suggested a look there.  I was volunteered to look and purchase something to the order of £20.  I bought a fleece blanket for £19.99.  The chard was already frost hard when we covered it and other leafy vegetables with both blanket and plastic tarpaulin.

When I arrived home the outside thermometer registered -4°C.  Gave the house a quick last check before viewers to the house coming at 1pm.  It's difficult to gauge what viewers feel about the house, some positive comments but no real indication.

Late lunch and took hound for a much needes quick walk round the block.  Frost clearly evident but thankfully not slippery.

Dinner will be a cheesy onion and leek sauce with baked potatoes.

The week has just vanished.  Scary.
Stay warm everyone.

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