
By soozsnapz

The queen surveys her kingdom

Portia loves to jump up to the roof of next door’s shed. Cats seem to want to be up high whenever possible.  She can watch the birds at the feeders in the adjacent apple tree, but she can’t get to them. 
The decorator was here today - we’re on the home straight. It means I’m in the kitchen as a result.  Upstairs the radiators are off so they can be painted (bad timing) and downstairs the living room smells of gloss paint, as the doors have just been painted. I can’t bear the smell with my current unhappy stomach. Plus Portia has to remain in the kitchen, so we don’t get black fur in the white paint. 
I have been thinking much of the day about a fellow blipper, as there has been an awful tragedy in her family. I’ve never met any blippers face to face (except Snapjax who was an existing friend) but I find in some cases we do get close to each other, and a kind of distant friendship emerges. 

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