
By BethAndCo

I like ice

Had a chill out morning with Mike and Eva at home. We all had toast for breakfast which Eva now loves (even though I made her oat fingers from my new BLW cookbook, she ended up sharing Mike's toast) then Mike introduced her to the taste and coldness of ice in her Nuby teether thingy (today's pic). She absolutely loved it and cried out if Mike took it away lol.

Grandad Nash came round early afternoon in his new Zafira which is lovely, and then we set off to International Stock as I'd been told they had a load of Mothercare stuff in. They did do, absolutely loads, but to he honest, the stuff I would have bought wasn't much cheaper than the stuff in the Mothercare sale, and at least you know that stuff hasn't been smoke damaged or whatever, so I didn't buy anything. Eva had a bit of a nappy situation in her car seat that we'd put onto the pushchair, and ended up in a right mess and needing changing on the floor of International Stock's changing room, as there was nowhere else to lay her. She and her car seat were covered, it was not fun! Thank god Mike was there, as he dealt with the worst of it while I just wiped what I could from the cat seat. Mike then steam cleaned it properly when we got back and Eva's clothes and snuggle bunny all had to go in soak. Poor baby. But she took it all in her stride, bless her, and luckily, I'd got a change of clothes with us.

Jake came back from the caravan late afternoon with Nanny Nash, Chris and Ellie, so that was nice to see everyone, and on the night, Mike went to hockey, so once Eva was in bed, I just had a chilled out evening and watched Big Brother xx

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