Soggy Sunday

The day started off as another wet, soggy day with torrential rain, I had almost resigned myself to being stuck inside watching the rain bounce off the window again but then decided to brave the rain and headed to Stockbridge Market.

As it turned out the rain eased off and had stopped completely by the time the bus got to Stockbridge. The market was very quiet, I don't think I've ever seen it so quiet, I had hoped to pick up some venison but there wasn't any :-( I was told the "cover" was poor and their stalker couldn't get any venison this week because the deer could see him coming, but apparently the wood pigeons weren't as lucky as they had plenty of pigeons on sale. I've had pigeon at least once before in a restaurant but never cooked it so I decided to buy a couple pigeon breasts. I also picked up a couple cheeses, a couple "wee pies" and a couple bottles of beer.

After the market I stopped off at the "Stockbridge Tap" for a couple pints and by the time I left the sun had come out and it was a lovely sunny day...

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