It’s very cold outside
The snow that fell a week ago, began to thaw on the same day, but then froze. It has remained frozen ever since.
My bird bath cracked when I tried to thaw out the lump of ice in it this morning. Oh dear. Perhaps I need to buy a heated one?
The blackbirds now number at least 15 who swoop in when I throw suet pellets across the driveway. About 5 sit outside and stare at me through the window until I go out with more suet, and repeat!
Lesley and Steve invited me to go to their house for a cup of tea and to talk about Namibia. They did a wildlife trip there a few years ago. The fireplace is in their lounge. We are all finding it hard to keep our houses warm this week.
I came away with an external charger and lots of good tips. Now I need to decide if I am taking my macro lens or not. (I love it, but there have to be compromises for the sake of the weight.)
I had a long chat on the phone to Margret. Most of the other residents have significant cognitive impairment so are not able to chat. They had a residents’ meeting to talk about outings. Margret suggested the lunchtime concerts in the nearby Parish Church, but no one else was interested. I’m sure there will be volunteers to take her when she is stronger (and the weather is warmer).
Tomorrow I will do my best to pack. No more prevarication!
I back-blipped for yesterday
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