There has been a definite shift in the weather. Nothing dramatic but I noticed last night the snow had gone from the conservatory roof. Not much change in the garden and it’s still feels very cold (2 C) but the washing machine is back in action, thank goodness. I had wondered if it would work after being frozen up.
By 10.00am the sun was up and it felt quite warm but I’m not sure how long it will take for the paths to get back to normal, I’m certainly hoping by Tuesday.
This morning I joined a Zoom church service. We did so much zooming during Covid I think I was probably hoping not to have to do it again as I found I had to re download the app.
John has been on his own this weekend as Grace has been away with am dram friends, they have all gone in the past but this time she’s gone on her own. Yesterday he sent me these pictures of Eda who has completed her Lego Tiger. She got it for her birthday and despite it being for age 9+ she has done most if it on her own. She’s very pleased with it and herself. She’d done it all except the head before Christmas but has now completed it. She loves that the mouth opens annd us pink inside.
Alex bought it for her, it makes other animals but I can’t remember what. For Christmas he got her a Fox which can also be used to make a Red Squirrel and a Parakeet. They are such great toys and Eda loves her animals.
Today we’ve had more photos. John has taken the girls climbing. Eda has been before but it was Jude’s first time. She did well as she’s only 4 and Eda got to the top of the rope wall too. So good for their confidence.
Alex is coming for tea, he didn’t come last week because of the weather, so we’ll finally get everything (Christmas) back in the loft. It’s been quite a week, with a change in the weather we might eventually be back to normal!
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