The great outdoors (Day 3534)
I woke with less pain and swelling in my throat, and feeling better than yesterday. After getting sorted out, my beautiful wife headed to town to get the weekly shopping out of the way. By the time we had been round Tesco the sciatica which hasn't bothered me much over the last few days, was back and giving me that delightful shooting pain in my hip and all down the back of my leg. Deep joy.
Back home I spent the rest of the morning on the couch while HV zoomed off to do stuff and things.
Later in the afternoon I accompanied HV to Stromness and spent some time at the horses. Nice to be outside and get some fresh air and give the herd a bit of a scratch. It always seems like the boys are pleased to see me if I haven't been around for a while. As HV and I scratched horses we saw Mum and Birsay coming along the path and stopped for a wee blether.
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