
By Arachne


Today I was going to sand yesterday's polyfilla then do a primer coat on some of the wood. But...

My lovely neighbour, E (T from yesterday's dad) climbed over the garden wall to undo the screws holding my shed to the ground, ready for moving it next weekend. (I'd tried to unscrew them but had failed and had asked him for help.)

Then he offered to take some of my large rubbish to the dump this afternoon, along with his, so I started carrying the old Victorian internal doors, (left by the builders in a pile under a tarpaulin at the back of the garden and now in the way of the shed move) to the front. I'd been surprised that no-one had responded to my advertising a couple of them on Freegle but E told me that new building regulations mean that any internal doors that are replaced now have to be fireproof rather than 'original feature' Victorian pine.

Ah... Even so, I decided to upload a better picture of one to Freegle. I got an instant response. Yes, H would love it and could come now if he could get hold of a van. I told him I had several other doors so he could look and choose the best and that, if he was a member, there was a CoWheels van in my street. He is a CoWheels member, the van was available, and he wanted as many doors as possible as he is planning to build a garden shed out of old doors.

It turned out that, including those hidden in the pile, I had eight. H carried the five I hadn't already carried to the front of the house and drove the lot away in the rented van. He and his wife (whose relationship with doors, it turns out, is akin to mine with bricks) were thrilled to bits to have them. I was thrilled to bits not to have them.

Then E loaded the old architraves into his car and we took that lot to the dump along with his rubbish.

I spent the rest of the daylight minutes sorting bricks for the landscaper who is due tomorrrow to do more work on the path...

...while I will sand yesterday's polyfilla then do a prime coat on some of the wood. Maybe. Depending on what else crops up.

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