
By carliewired

61 F/ 16 C

My spirit guides were
looking out for me today.
No mishap for me! 


I was awake before the sun. At first I thought I would drive to the Arizona Marketplace about 9 to have my breakfast. When I looked at the weather forecast I decided it was too chilly and windy to be sitting outside munching my breakfast. I had my breakfast and coffee at home, then set out for the Marketplace before 11. 

My angels and guides were watching over my well-being while I was driving. I was 2 blocks from my house when I caught something vey shiny and fast-moving out of the corner of my right eye. I instinctively hit the brakes. I could hear my camera and purse launch onto the floor and my winter tires skid heavily to a stop. I came to rest with both hands clenching the wheel and my foot down heavy on the brake pedal. I was looking straight ahead and the shiny, streaking thing whizzed past in front of me and across the intersection. It had run the stop sign to my right and kept hurtling on. I hit the horn as I watched its rear bumper fly past to my left. Did the driver even know the stop sign was there? 

I stopped for a few moments to catch my breath, then I was on to the Marketplace. 

I walked through from the south side. There are still a good number of recreation vehicles in storage around the outside edge. One row has a mix of vendors and some vehicle storage. I'm always reminded of the temporary nature of this marketplace. It is flexible and expandable. 

I walked to the end of one aisle to treat myself to caramel corn. I've been trying to ignore it during my earlier visits, but today the smell was just too good to pass up. On the way back to my car I took photos of colourful things at the marketplace. 

My feet are already complaining, so that's it for walking today. I'm home and in my recliner. 

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