
By Winsford

Well packaged

I regularly order beauty products from the same company, generally waiting for special offers before placing an order. This generally includes a free sample which is great for travelling. However I didn't get one with my last order and when I queried this I was asked to choose one which arrived today. All good - although I was slightly bemused by the amount of package that came with it and that it was sent by registered delivery. Oh well - first world problems.

Of much more interest and benefit to society is the opening of the UK's first legal drug consumption room in Glasgow - BBC News. A has been working on this and it has been really interesting chatting to her about its development and approaches to design.  Its been a great experience for her.

A couple of the local groups I am involved in have their festive events in January (which I rather like as it brightens the month up) - we are off to one tonight and I'll be attending another later in the week.  I also have even more special celebration to look forward to next week :-). 

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