
By debsdad


Up early this morning had to be at the hospital just after 8am Deb took us in lots of traffic as usual at that time of day. I went to the Glaucoma clinic. Quite a lot of hanging around and various tests. All was ok eyes hadn't deteriorated so just carry on with the eyedrops each evening.
Deb came and picked us up and we home around 10.30.
The eye drops they use in the eye examination last most of the day and my eyes still feel a bit gritty so we won't go dancing but i did go for a walk this afternoon.
Thought I would try to get a decent great tit  picture so put some peanuts in the branch, they didn't come but the Jay did so that's todays picture. They are rather beautiful birds.
Mostly cloudy some drizzle not too cold  

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