Lost in Thought

By steveng

Tree whip planting (Widwed150125)

Fitting the theme well for Wide Wednesday, this morning has gone on planting tree whips with the local guerilla gardening group (Keep Kineton Beautiful)   We were planting two or three rows along the fence lines at the 'extension churchyard'   Guerilla action in the extra :-)
A lot of tidying brambles and cutting back the grass at first, so we could see where we were planting.  As usual, we collected several bags of litter which have gone off to the tip.  

Hopefully these will develop into a good hedge over the next year or two/three/four.  The wooden stakes were part of the previous fence, we've left them in place to give the whips a little more protection while they get themselves established.  Might run a length of rope along just to make it clear it's not a 'walk-through'

The work is supported by Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, in turn supported by Severn Trent Water.  WWT have a project person come along with the planting spades, the whips and the spiral protectors.  KKB provide the effort.

For Wide Wednesday, I'll do as last week, star and comment on the entries as I find them and sort out the awards on Friday.

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