I always think that this is one of the most spectacular and prolific examples of Fibonacci sequences in the plant world. A Romanesco, essentially a variety of cauliflower, but always looking impressive on the plate. They taste rather good too, so a perfect meal to serve to a vegetarian mathematician.
In other news, our new fridge/freezer arrived this morning, so after letting it stand for the required four hours we switched it on and once cold, have filled it up. A bit smaller than the old one so we will probably keep the 'emergency fridge' we bought to see us through Christmas for extra space, albeit we will put it in the garage. The blokes who delivered it and took away the old one were as shocked as we were that it had broken down and couldn't be repaired even though it was less than four years old (and out of warranty). The new one has a five year warranty and was bought from a department store with a good reputation for customer service, so fingers crossed we don't have the same problem with it.
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