Little Feet!

I love maps and we have a huge world map hanging from a wall in our games room. It nearly covers the whole wall. I love it. I've always wanted to put stickers on it to mark the countries and places we have been. I found the perfect ones today...little feet. Here you can see all the places we have been in Europe. I would love my world map covered in little feet...maybe one day!

I met a friend today for a swim. The pool was heaving with people all having a fun time. Luckily there were spare lanes for swimmers. We swam 4,000 mts which took a fair time. I must confess to getting pretty bored going up and down in a pool...I'd rather be in a lake on days like today.

Tonight I've got my personal trainer. So not looking forward to that. The heat makes that kind of thing uncomfortable. But do it I must as I'm trying to get myself in good shape for my holiday....which means another little foot on my map!

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