
By kas18

What Have You Done To Me Mum?

I don't think Oscar is very impressed with his new haircut! It is rather short but it needed doing. I wanted it short because he likes rolling around in leaves and sticks and they get tangled up in his fur. I have had to pull so many bits out of his fur just lately I'm surprised he didn't have bald patches. He is sticking his tongue out at me which says it all!

Workman were back again today which was good. The decking is coming along nicely now. Keeping my fingers crossed for good weather so we can get it finished in time for the party.

Only a 2 mile run after bootcamp this morning. I thought his would seem easy.....wrong....it was hard. This is worrying me now as I have a 5 miler on the cards for Friday.

I'm out for a meal with the girls tonight. Two of my friends have birthdays within 3 days of each other so we are celebrating. We are trying out a place which has just been taken over....fingers crossed we have made a good choice.

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