Summer has disappeared again. Bean and I have been in the truck with the door closed, which is unheard of in January.
Bean found sanctuary from the chill under a blanket. Of course. She is a tiny bit happier today, probably because I have started to introduce her normal food to the boring chicken and rice. And because we had a stroll for a couple of kilometres and met a few locals as we walked, which was good for both of us.
However her guts are still not 100%, as evidenced by occasional eyewateringly pungent flatulence. I was woken in the middle of the night by one such expulsion and had to get up to open the window wider! That is on my list of things to mention to the vet in the morning when she goes in for x-rays.
Once again much to my girl's disgust she was excluded from the fruit cage (for obvious reasons) and lay on the grass outside the netting - occasionally whining - while I enjoyed a happy hour picking raspberries and blackcurrants. The former will probably be delivered to friends in town tomorrow. The latter are in the freezer. I'll use them sometime over winter to make syrup-come-cordial.
I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. Beanio will have to go without breakfast and will then be discombobulated after the sedation. But I do want to know what's going on. I hope the x-rays are definitive.
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