Pre Sunrise - 15 January - 08:41
Visible sunrises are always lovely but when we woke up this morning we got to see this glorious spectacle. I suppose part of the beauty is that it is short-lived and changes minute by minute. About 25 minutes later the sun actually rose and gave us a show of light & shade on the snow (see HD's blip), but by then the sky was a plain grey colour.
Still feeling a bit cold and tired in the body; not well, but not ill either. I took it easy all day.
I did make the 200m trip to our post box and the ground is so icy that I was happy to make it out and back without slipping over, even though I had my spiked shoes on, and I'm generally confident on the ice. Even the road is very slippy. It looks well gravelled but the gravel is mostly encased in transparent ice! A good time to stay home!
We watched the Swedish miniseries "The Breakthrough" on Netflix. It is based on Sweden's 2nd largest criminal investigation and has had excellent reviews, as here in The Guardian.
Directed by the same person who made "The Bridge", I was not surprised it is in Netflix's top 10 just now. We found it so gripping we watched all 4 parts in one sitting. We both felt it showed Sweden very realistically, both the urbanized southern Linköping and the countryside of our part of Sweden much further north. An extra for us is that in real life the genealogy expert lives literally around the corner from us!
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