Rediscovering a bit of colour in the landscape after a week of snow and ice. A blue sky helps. I still haven’t solved the mystery (to me) of why this particular oak retains its leaves through the winter.
I did compose a version of this scene without the electricity pole (extra), but I felt retaining it made for a stronger image, with the pole extending the line of tree trunks, and the insulators echoing the colour of the leaves (if that isn’t too pretentious). It’s also more authentic to sense of place, here on the urban fringe, in the ‘edgelands.’
An early morning trip to the dentist for a check-up left me without a need for repairs at the moment, which is always welcome. I did have one slip on the subtly frosty pavements as I went down to the station but have once again escaped with only my esteem bruised.
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