Back to the damp and drizzle again today. I haven't been out further than the garden - I put a few house plants outside to get some soft watering.
I've spent most of the day on the computer, carrying on with my London walks. I must find a way of locating my pictures and routes as my camera is so old, I've been told, that it doesn't have GPS! Not sure what the best solution is.
My Blip today is of an Oban puzzle that we've had on the table since Christmas. The light wasn't good enough to photograph the puzzle so it has to be the picture on the box. Like many puzzles it has its good and bad bits - the houses are reasonable, but the grass and water a lot less so!
Some more Photo Club stuff - I've been trying to choose some of my better pictures for the inter-club competition. It's the Frank Walton trophy, named after Oban's former camera shop owner. There are a lot of good photographers out there, so it's hard to get images chosen.
Quote of the Day: 'It finally happened. I got the GPS lady so confused, she said, 'In one-quarter mile, make a legal stop and ask directions.' - Robert Breault.
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