Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Last day

An overcast day today, but at least it's been dry. We went down town this morning for our usual fresh fish from the pier and a visit to the library. Before going to pick up Daughter One from the Mull ferry I popped into Homebase, which was closing finally today. I approached the closed door at 11.05 where another man was waiting and he attracted the attention of a member of staff, who opened the door. We were told that the store had finally closed at 11 am - shame, I was hoping for some last minute 99% off bargains!! The man had come to collect a chair and I asked if I could pop in to take a picture, so here it is!

It was announced earlier this week that the lease was to be taken over by Home Bargains, which I'd not heard of, but they're going to replace Homebase on the site - with a café and garden centre too! So all is not lost.

We picked up our daughter from the ferry - the Isle of Arran this time as the Isle of Mull is on another route as due to a problem with her passenger evacuation system she can only carry 45 passengers instead of the usual 900! My extra today is the IOA coming in past Maiden Island.

Quote of the Day: 'Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open.' - Alexander Graham Bell.

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