Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Fountain in the Park…

… I didn’t venture far today.

I’m writing.

It has been said of me that I can be obsessive (surely not?).

I sat down this morning to ‘do an hour’. (What can I say? The muse is upon me!).
At lunchtime I took a break and we finished the prize crossword of the week. Awful clues this week, in our humble opinions. (There were a couple of unrecognised answers, even when we knew they must be right. We do like a modicum of clarity in our clues!).

A quick walk out and back to the laptop.
My neck and shoulders tell me I have done too much.
And, in the meantime, Himself, who has recently ‘taken up the pen’ himself, presented his latest short story to me. Of course, it knocks spots off my own writing! He is effortlessly brilliant and entertaining and if I can persuade him to seek publishing, I shall. (It’s unlikely that he will be cajoled. He’s a ‘hide your light’ kind of chap. What can you do Gladys?).

Are the planets of writing aligning at the moment I wonder?

Anyway, fortunately (for those who haven’t peeled a vegetable) it’s chip night. And the wine forecast for dry January…Has gone horribly wrong.

Happy Friday One and All :-)

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