A tale of two crochet projects...
Can you tell I am struggling for a blip! lol
Alan was awake a lot during the night coughing and Lola was sleeping in our bedroom as she was gagging from about 10pm, so sleep was kind of interrupted for us all.
Lola was fine by morning but Alan was still coughing so got an appointment with a GP to have his chest sounded. Thankfully there's no infection but he has a lot of catarrh from upper respiratory irritation, probably lingering on from his chest infection at Christmas. Hopefully it will clear up soon but if not GP has given us a prescription for an antibiotic so we can get it quickly if needed. He's been full of smiles all day so I hope that's a sign he's on the mend.
Ele, Kenny, Agnes and Adrian were supposed to be coming up for dinner tomorrow evening and staying over, our belated Hogmanay get together which had to be cancelled because of my kidney infection. Sadly poor Adrian woke up this morning with a stinking cold and felt worse as the day went on, so they're not coming. I hope it's not the horrible flu that's going around that he's picked up.
Ele and Kenny still coming though so menu planning continued. Having leek and potato soup with chorizo crumbs, a drizzle of cream and chives and toasted crusty rolls, roast side of salmon with lemon, lime and chilli flakes, baby potatoes, buttered carrots and mini corn on the cob, with rhubarb crumble and vanilla custard for dessert. The soup is made and the salmon and veggies are easy prep so will do that tomorrow morning.
Finished one crochet project...a wee hat for Orla from left over yarn from the first blanket I crocheted for her. I then started a scarf using yarn that my best pal bought me last year. It's very chunky and came with a size 12 and size 15 hook. I gave up with both those hooks as I found them impossible to use (I think my arthritis was the problem rather than the hooks) and carried on with a size 10 hook, which was much better. The yarn is so chunky it crochets quite quickly but after about 15 minutes my hands were aching so decided it's not the yarn for me. I do have another project lined up... wild animal bunting for Orla's bedroom. I have lots of cotton yarn that will be perfect for that. Just hope the animals will be recognisable!
Another episode of The Traitors. Despite losing patience with it at the start I'm enjoying it more now. Still don't care enough about any of them to say who I hope will win! :-))
Thank you for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts on baby Orla yesterday. I love that in the future she will be able to look at my journal and see how lovely everyone was about her :-))
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