
By BoydMcAdam


I slept in for the first time in months. Mainly because I had my phone on silent and the volume at a low level. But I also missed other triggers. I was nearly late for my morning appointment!

After a visit to church and paperwork, I managed to make it to Seafield Crematorium in time for the funeral of the mother of a colleague at church. Her mother passed away just before Christmas.

By all accounts she was a colourful enthusiastic generous person who gave of her time to help and support others, despite the challenges life threw at her. There was a traditional hymn - How great thou art” but also more modern music including Queen, of whom she was a great fan.

The crematorium is bright as you can see with some ironwork which has, to me, a hint of Spain about it.

Back home after a weekend shop, dog walked, more papers, a lovely dinner, ironing and some TV. I may sleep in tomorrow!

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