Stone cold Jan
Grey and still all day. And colder than of late. I did quite a long walk in the morning up above the woodland and loved this treeline standing against the sky. I got the Melissa Harrison nature diary Homecoming for Christmas and it encourages to look at what’s new and what you connect with that day. I like in January to think of things sleeping ready to move. I can’t see much sign of snowdrops yet and worry that the farmer has over-flailed through a patch I like in the lane. Still, I unearthed them from clippings last year so many be they are ok. No sign yet of the aconites that I planted last year.
After years of owning this phone I only just discovered the 16:9 button which JC showed me so I am going to try and put all my blips in that format which fits better on my iPad than the landscape 4:3. See this example!
But I did plant out some hyacinths that have done their bit in the house and potted up more to come through before the narcissus arrive. I’ve not seen any in the shops yet.
After lunch I had a big call about a show which went well
I then went over to Mum’s for tea and a chat before home for a delicious V dinner of Aubergine Parmigiana and the last two eps of The Breakthrough a strong Scandi series about genetic testing catching a murderer…interesting with a good twist.
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